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Friday, November 4, 2011

What I have learned from the Sustainable Value By Chris Laszlo

Actually, I have learned many things from the Sustainable Value and its author himself Chris Laszlo. This author who made the book interesting for the reader within just reading the first chapter; you know how great he is. Next, I am going to illustrate what I have learned from the book in such field like competitive advantage, management/ leadership for today, managing of people, performance, managing change, and understanding the game and changing moves. Beside all this, I am going to give you a little put of information about  social Innovation, sustainable value, holistic value, explain the journey-what is encountered?, social environment and economic issues and play Offense not Defense.
Every company wants to have one or two of the competitive advantages for their product in the marketplace. In fact, those companies that want to earn the competitive advantage they must evaluate their companies from the high level of the management to the operation process to find what their companies capable of. To do so, the companies must have high level of coordination and high commitment from the senior managers and the workers as well.
The companies spend time and money trying to earn the competitive advantages because they know they would earn much more if their companies win to have the competitive advantages beyond their competitors. Before many years ago, the companies focused their resources and effort to earn the competitive advantage even though if this acts is going to destroy an environment. On other world, the company wants to satisfy the shareholder only, but now the companies think differently and they think out the scope in something call earn competitive advantage in sustainable value which allows them to satisfy the stockholder and the shareholder as well.
There are many companies that monition in the book which succeeds in the marketplace from earning Sustainable value like “DuPont, Wall-mart- Lafarge, Nature works LLC”. What those companies did to earn the competitive advantage was that the senior mangers felt their business would destroy if they did not take an action. Therefore, they evaluated their companies to know where their strength and weakness. In fact, some companies asked for help from outside the companies such as consulting or non-profit organization because they wanted to have highly accurate evaluation.
If the companies earn the sustainable value advantage, they will be able to lead the market, avoiding the regulation, enhancing the reputation, helping the community, getting support from the government, and saving the world for our next generation.
Ultimately, if one company wants to earn Sustainable value, they must have the support from the senior managers, the goals should be clear for the employees, evaluating the company in accurate way, and set a strategy.
The leadership is very important whether in the business world or in our life. The person who has this skill, he or she is going to make an effort or impact in the people who surround him or her. In this book, the author is starting with illustrate who Deanna made an effort to convince the top executive and the workers how the sustainable value is important for the company.  For my opinion the leadership is about convince and mange the people in a way that they do not feel that they are getting force to do thing.
The people who have a position that allow them to control the workers, they should have some characteristic like opening mind and they see the future before they see the present. Also, the workers must have faith in them. Moreover, they should listen to their employees and they should have faith in them also. Also, the good leaderships are that one who take responsibility for any action they take.
In contrast, when the mangers manage an issue in business, they should know that it is hard to satisfy all people. So, they should try to satisfy the majority of the stockholder and the shareholder. Beside this, the good management is that one that can achieve the sustainable value without additional cost for their customers or low quality for their product and they can develop. Also, the company that shifts into sustainable value has to adopt new skill and new strategy approach into their management work. In the end, the leadership and the management are very critical in the business today and the companies who succeed to get sustainable value they have great managers.
The companies always talk about performance and how they should improve the performance in their companies. In companies which not consider the sustainable as core activity, they measure the performance in how much money they get in the annual years and how they satisfied just their shareholder. Otherwise, the companies that consider the sustainable value, they measure the performance in how the company satisfied the shareholder and the stockholder as well. On other word, they measure the hidden benefit that the company got from the sustainable value. Furthermore, the companies always try to improve the performance and set goals in the future to achieve. Therefore, the companies like DuPont, Wall-Mart …… develop a project that allow them to capture their activities and  they try to adjust their activities to get the best performance in the future .
For my conclude, the companies should set some metric to measure their performance specially  for those companies that consider the sustainable value as core activities because the sustainable value has a hidden benefit that  the companies should measure in their annually performance.
In the dynamic business today and the evolution of the technology and the innovation, it is a challenge for the managers to keep doing the same thing for long time. the managers must have a vision to develop and change in how they are doing business. Otherwise, they would suffer in the future. Before six or seven years, we did not hear much about the sustainable environment, but now everything has changed and there are many books and theories about how the companies use the sustainable value as competitive advantage in the marketplace. In fact, the stock price for the company is determined by intangible factor such as reputation and this would not happen before. Now, the mangers have to set goals that satisfied the shareholder and the stockholder as well. Therefore, the managers have to change the way they are doing business to fit with their stockholder and shareholder interest.
After all, the mangers should be aware about what will happen in the future and they should adjust their management skill to fit with their business requirement.
The good companies are those one that understanding the game in the marketplace and changing the moves for their companies when they needed. Those companies that are providing in the book have something in common which are all of them understand the game which is shifting to the sustainable value. Therefore, they changed their core activities to fit with the requirement game to play and get success leading the market. To understand the game, the companies have to work in dynamic way and they always think that their businesses are in dangerous and they should play offense and not just defense all the time. Therefore, they are going to develop and innovate all the time. Beside this, the mangers have to take a risk to implement the innovation. Otherwise, the companies would not ever lead the market. Also, I am sure that if something bigger than the sustainable value would happened in the future, companies like (Wall- Mart, Dupont..etc) would be the pioneers in the market that did not because they make their companies work in dynamic environment. Also, the managers in those companies would take a risk because they know how much benefit that they would get.
Social innovation is very critical in the business today. The companies that can create something that help the community; they can earn many advantages for it. Indeed, the companies should focus their effort trying to innovation something that helps the community. In fact,  the innovation may come from everywhere inside the company or outside the company as well. As examples provide in the books the companies created something that helped the community and they got advantage for it. Furthermore, those companies can sell their innovation to other companies in the marketplace. After all, everyone wins.
The company can achieve the holistic value when they can satisfy the stockholder and the shareholder in the same time. To do this the companies should try to innovative thing that can help to make sustainable environment with considering the economic factor as well.
There is a connection between the Social Environment and Economic issues. For many years, activates fight with the business leader in many issues such as climate change, pollution, Etc. In fact; some companies faced a lawsuit because their plant emission that destroy the environment. In other word, the social environments in managers perspective was an obstructive for the companies expand, but now the reality is different. According to the book the companies should take the opportunity of innovation in sustainable value to earn the competitive advantage in the marketplace. Moreover, there is a problem that companies faced which is the oil price and they can solve this problem by innovation in renewable energy.
The Sustainable value is very important for us. Before I read this book, I thought the Sustainable value is just about something related with the environment. Also, there were no ways that businesses and activists reach in agree point. Also, I looked to the sustainable value as additional cost for the companies, but now, after I read the book, I have realized that the sustainable value has broader meaning than just the climate change or water pollution. It includes every aspect in our life. It is a business opportunity for the companies. Last one I have learned that are some companies listing for what the activists say and try to innovative things from it that has a value for them. After all, I am optimistic about the future.
            Now, the company should be focusing their effort to play offense not defense only because if they play defense, they would miss the opportunity in the marketplace and make other companies take it from them. If the company wants to succeed in the marketplace, they should take offense approach and not just taking defense to diminish the risk.
            Each company has different journey because each one of them are dealing with different issue. However, all of the companies that provides in the book are sharing something in common such as they started with some problem, the CEO commitment, and they work with broad external non-organization profit. In fact, I defined the journey as an explain to how the company get succeed in doing Business. Indeed, it is very important for the company to have a journey because it allows them to come back to it when they needed. Also, it helps the community learning from it.
            In my conclude, I have learned so many things from this book such as the Sustainable value is a business opporinuntiy  to the companies. I explained how the companies gain competitive advantage from the sustainable value and what benefit they would get. Also, I was mentioned about how the good leadership would be and how they manage their people.
 but the companies have to change their management way when they deal with sustainable value. Also, they must have a good leadership. Moreover, they must understand the game before their competitors. Moreover, I talked about the performance and how it is measure differently in the sustainable company and non one. Also, I talked about the managing change and how important is to CEO management to consider that. Moreover, I talked about how critical is for the company to understand the game and change their core activity to fit with the game requirement. Last thing, I was mentioned brief information about some key terms such as sustainable value, holistic value,… etc that it is very important to know. The Sustainable Value makes our environment better and it is a business opportunity for the companies. On other world, (win win to everyone).

R.A. Mashelkar: Breakthrough designs for ultra-low-cost products | Video on

R.A. Mashelkar: Breakthrough designs for ultra-low-cost products | Video on

Monday, October 24, 2011

Women: challenging, Solution, Opportunities !

Hi Everyone,
Actually, it was a quite long time that i have not posted anything in my blog because I do not have anything to write about, but Now, I have an aspiration that came from my stepmother which I have a quite good relationship with her. while I talked with her about how the life is going on with her, she said that " the life is boring and darkness".maybe she was feeling bad in this time because she has been graduated from the University  ten years ago and she did not have a job. In fact, her major is English which is very important in our day life. This is just happen in a Country that have a lot of money( Saudi Arabia ). The women over there are suffer to find a job. Everything that they have done in their life went without any benefit for them and for the country as well. maybe, we would  find a geniuses women that can innovation something help the country. Now, what the younger women think if they see what happened to their gender, DO they be motivated to study or create something?. even though, some lucky women find a job, what is position or power they would get? nothing. they are just doing  what they have told form the one who has the power !. For example, In education system, if the women need anything, the decision for what they have asked coming from  who has the power !. why all this happen because  in our culture we treat the women as homemade, does not matter how educated they are.If you  say word women, in the men mind would be  wife, children, sex, and taking care of home. something funny, when the woman is reaching 30 and she did not married ,  the people feel sad for her. why is that because they did not have anything to do in their life, but if she has a job and career, she would feel independent and she would not think the only way to survive in this life is to get married. 
In University education, we are separation  the student gender for studying together, but as instructor it is OK to teach the women under policy which is the teachers teach like long distance. what i want to say that if government makes separation between student, it should be the same with the teachers. Therefore, we are going to create more job for women and the students feel comfortable talking in the class. 

Now, the government should change the game and open new opportunities for them. why we do not have women who specialist  in engineering, law ..... etc. Also, they should force the companies to have at least one 
women in their companies. This is one of good thing that the government have done and under the wisdom of the King Abdullah: they open a new University in Riyadh for women only and I admit that it this a good move   and they should not stop doing this kind of project that help the women to feel that they are a productive person in the community.  


Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Women Revolution In Saudi Arabia !

Today, when I was checking my Facebook, I saw some of my friend posting link for some women who want to drive a car in Saudi Arabia. in fact that, the CNN Internationale were talking about them and show the same video. As I have heard from the video, they want to drive because they do not want to be depended on other people to serve their need.  Also, they do not want to pay for driver. in fact that, they afraid to be with the driver alone. moreover, some families can not pay to the driver salary and the car also in the same time. Now, the Women have one demand and the reasons for why they must drive. what I want to say that the women are going to drive sooner or latter, but not like that, women go to YouTube or Facebook and say they wanna drive . It is not a joke but it is a thing that will change the culture and society as well in  Saudi Arabia. So, the government should face the fact that the women will drive. So, the government  has to make a project which is in 2020 the women will drive and do it step by step.
The first thing the government must do is making men feel that there are  a relationship between the man and the women and not just sexually thing. Also, the man has to understand that the women is a productive factor for developing the country and not just women who take care for the children and the home. To make this happened, we should not separate between the student in the university in part that respect our religion and our culture . For example,  the man may set in the first of the class  and the women in the last. I know someone would say they would be   فتنه, but I think the man or women who raise good and afraid from gad, they would not do that and they will respect each other. However, the women now is working with the men in some company and the hospital. In fact that, I studied with Saudi women here in the USA and everything is going well. We respect each other and we have a boundary .
Second one the government should expand the road infstractuer becasue now the people are facing alot of troubles and you can imagine that if the men and the women drive in the same time. We may be like china or Egypt.
Third one is the government should hold for hand of  power if anyone thinks to assault or abuse either way talking or physical thing forward the women and the same thing for the women. So, they would think Million time If they think to do something.
Fourth one, Do the project step by step. For Example, they may try it in the south first and they see if it is gonna work or not. also, they have to determine the age. for example the women who is married can drive unitl specife time in the day for example from 6AM to 9PM.

The women are going to drive and the government should face the fact and they have to find away to adjust the society to this change and  I provide some of idea that maybe help.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Iphone4 from Apple Company Advantages and Disadvantages

Apple Company is a multinational American Company. They are focusing on design and produce electronics device and software. The company was founded in Cupertino, California on April 1, 1976. It sells and develops products such as “personal computers, portable media players, mobile phones, computer software, and computer hardware and hardware accessories.” They have 200 retail stores in 5 countries in the world for selling their products. Beside this, they have online stores that they can also sell their products. The company has 20,000 full and part time employees in the entire world. At the end of September of 2007 the company had earned 24.01billion for selling their products in the USA only (Administrator, 2008).
   The Apple Company has Innovation something calls Iphone. Steve Job said of the Apple Company “We all had cell phones. They were so awful to use. The software was terrible. The hardware wasn't very good. We talked to our friends, and they all hated their cell phones too” (Morris & Levinstein, 2008). Therefore, they have created the Iphone in a different way. Steve Jobs who works at Apple Company made an announcement in Macworld conference & expo in January 2007 about their idea of the Iphone as a new smart phone from Apple. The Iphone was available to the customers on June 29, 2007. The first version of the Iphone came with 4G and 8G hard drive. The price was 499$. Moreover, if someone wants to have one, they have to sign a contract with AT&T for 2 years (Administrator, 2008). They were successful and they earned an estimated $1.7 million for selling the Iphone in the USA only (Karif & Burrows, 2008). The engineering department of the Apple Company developed the Iphone and the last product is Iphone4. The device comes in two colors; white and black. Moreover, it is a monopoly by the AT&T Company for 2 years contract. Also, it comes with 8G or 16G hard drive. In fact, The Iphone from Apple Company is considered the best Smartphone in the world, so what, in fact, are the advantages and disadvantages of the Iphone4?
An Iphone camera of the Iphone4 has many features. It comes with 5 megapixels and with 5 digital zooms. Also, it has WOR with it which the costumers can combine three pictures in one big picture. In fact, those pictures are saved as individual or as a big picture in the memory of the device. Furthermore, the camera has something calls LED flash which can help produce clearly pictures in the night for the people who like to take pictures on night. Moreover, it has a sensor which works automatically when the location shooting is getting dark. Besides these elements, the camera of the Iphone4 has another camera on the front with VGA quality and it is easy to use. The customers have to go to the top of the screen and push the button to open the front camera (Apple Company Official Site, 2010). Also, this camera allows the customers to have video calls with other customers who have an Iphone4 or other devices. There are two ways to make a video call. The customers can go to the contact option and choose “top face time” for the one who wants to talk with. The second way is if the customers want to make the video call during the call; one of the users has to push the same button that they will see in this situation on the front screen. Then, the customers have to click this button and another one will make a beep or request and they accept the request if they want to make the video call. This option works just with the Iphone4 to the Iphone4. Also, when customers are making the video call, they can use the back camera at the same time (Apple Company Official Site, 2010). Moreover, the Iphone4 camera has something calls “top of focus.” This feature allows the customers who are taking the picture to focus on one specific thing in this picture. Also, the customers can do it before they take the pictures (Apple Company Official Site, 2010). The last thing is that the customers can send their photo by email, mss, and they can post the pictures in “Mobile me.” “Mobile me” is free and it allows the customers to share their photos online and they can check their photos from different devices. Also, it can help the customers to find their Iphone4 if someone has stolen it (Apple Company Official Site, 2010). According to Snell (2010), the video camera of the Iphone4 has HD feature which when he record something, he found it very clear. It comes with “imovie” which allows the customers to edit the video as they want.  According to Snell (2010), the photo picture from the camera of the Iphone4 is good on general. The disadvantage for the camera is if the customers want to make the video call or have “face time”, they have to have Wi-Fi (Admin, 2010). According to Snell (2010), he wasn’t happy with the flash for the camera because he feels that it doesn’t give them that much of quality.
        The screen of the Iphone4 has perfect display; according to the Apple Official Site (2010), the Iphone4 comes with “the960 by 640 LCD display boasts and a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch.” The screen of the Iphone4 has the highest resolution compared with other devices on the market. Moreover, the screen comes with something calls “Retina Display.” This thing makes the screen nearly perfect and the customers don’t see individual pixels on the screen, so the customers can read, watch movies, and make the zoom of the screen with the sharpest and most perfects views. Furthermore, an engineer for Apple tried to solve the problem of the view for the website pages on the internet in the last version of the Iphone3G. They are developing the pixels in the Iphone4. Therefore, the customers can zoom the page without any trouble. Also, the “Retina display” uses a technology called IPS (in-plan switching). This technology allows the customers hold the Ipone4 wherever they like. Furthermore, the glass for the screen has some material which used to build helicopters. Therefore, it is difficult to break the screen. Also, it has something calls “oil resistance” which helps to keep the screen clean. Moreover, the screen has LCD backlight and a sensor which helps to keep the battery life longer (Apple Company Official Site, 2010). According to Snell (2010), the screen has perfect resolution dubbed “Retina Display” by Apple. Therefore, everyone can see anything with a good view. The screen of the Iphone4 allows the customers to see anything in their Iphone4 on perfect display. The disadvantages of the screen that the Iphon4 has bad glass and if someone drops the Iphone4 on the ground, the glass is be broken (Snell, 2010). Now, we find conflict between the company and one of their customers?
      Emails are very important for people. People check their email many times each day, so the Apple Company has considered this habit. Therefore, they have provided the email option in the Iphone4 in different ways. The customers can open their email wherever they are and whatever their accounts are. Also, they can open more than one email at the same time. Moreover, they can see their email as they want on the screen because the “Retina Display” which I was mentioned in the last paragraph. Furthermore, if the customers have more than one account, they can organize their inbox depending on the account which they use. Therefore, there will not be mess between the email accounts. Also, they have a chance to organize their message depends on the person on other word the customer can save the entire messages which they have received form one person in one folder. Therefore, the customers have an ability to be in track with their friends all the time. Furthermore, the email has a spelling check which can help the customers if they don’t know the spelling for some words. Also, when the customers have received the email and it has an attachment, they can open it immediately with the message and with the same format for the attachment. Moreover, the Iphone4 has the search option which helps the customers to find the messages faster (Apple Company Official Site, 2010). The Iphone4 has provided to the customers the opportunity to check their email in a convenient way.
   The important thing in the Iphone4 is that the customer can download thousands of programs. Those programs help the devices of the customer to work in the best condition. Some of those programs are free and some of them are not. If the customers want to download some of those programs, they have to go to an App Store. In this store the customers can find the programs organized in categories. The customers can choose from thousands of programs like books, games, and lifestyle. If the customers want to download the program, they just have to double click on the program and they can find it immediately in their devices. Also, the customers can see which are the most download programs. Moreover, the customers can buy from App Store and send the purchase to their friend.  Furthermore, when the customers visit the App Store, the update icon is present to the customer for the programs which have updated. Therefore, the customers will be on track with the latest versions of each program. Moreover, the customers can download the update for their program as a group or individual on other word the customer can download more than one program at the same time (Apple Company Official Site, 2010). Also, with thousands of program Apple doesn’t forget their customers and they have something calls genius which gives the customer advice about the programs. Now, the App Store has thousands of programs and if the customers wanted to download many of those programs the home screen would be filled, so the Apple Company comes with feature calls folders to organize the programs. If the customers want to create the folders, according to the Apple Company official Site (2010), “To create a folder, touch and hold an app until it wiggles, drag it onto another app, and you’re done.” Furthermore, the folders will have names which it depends on the programs inside this folder for examples if the customer has the folder and all the programs inside the folder are health programs. In this situation the name for the folder will be automatically name by health programs and for sure the customers can rename the folder as they like. The customers can have 180 folders. The customers can hold in each folder 12 programs. The customers can download up to 2160 programs from App Store. Also, it helps the customer to use all the space in the storage carried in the iphone4 (Apple Company Official Site, 2010). There some of Advantages for the App store which according to Admin (2010), which some programs from the App Store don’t work probably and the Iphone4 just accepts the programs from the App Store or ITunes.
            With Iphone4 the customers don’t worry about getting lost because the Iphon4 provide the customers maps and compass program. This program allows the customers to search for any location they want. Also, it gives the customers the estimated destination and time to arrive at this place and they have a choice to choose if they will go by walking or using the car. Moreover, it shows the customer the traffic in the road. Furthermore, the customers can mark a point in their location, and they can send the location to their friend by email. The customers need a Wi-Fi to get the facilities of this program (Apple Company Official Site, 2010).
               Now let’s make evaluate for the Iphone4 with another device in the market. I am going to compare the Iphone4 with Android phone from Motorola in many categories. The first thing is  the data speed in both devices and the winner was the Iphone4 because  the customers who have Iphone4 can make download in averages speed of more1958Kbps, but in the Droid was less 1130Kbps in averages. The second thing is the voice quality and the winner was the Iphone4 because the people who make the experiment heard the voice nature for each other in the line and they didn’t have the drop call, but in the Droid the voice was clear, but it wasn’t clear as the Iphone4 voice.  The third one is the display for the both devices and the winner was the Iphone4. According to (Mies & Sullivan, 2010), who test the both device in this way “set the phones to their maximum brightness and loaded on both, with no zooming in. After placing the handsets side by side, I asked other editors to look at the text and pick which display was more readable.” The result was the Iphone4 was the winner because the Iphone4 has the sharpest and the brightest display. All in all those are some good things which the Iphone4 has more advantages than the Droid phone. According to (Mies & Sullivan, 2010), the Iphone4 has failed in the memory card or the space for the hard drive because it just comes with 16G or 32G and the customers cannot make update for the hard drive. On other hand the Droid phone comes with 8G inside the device. Also, it has another memory card in the box which has 16G and it takes up to 32G. Moreover, the Iphone4 has failed on the sound system for the headphone (Mies & Sullivan, 2010). Also, according to Snell (2010), if the customers hold the Iphone4 in bottom, they will lose the signal. Moreover, Iphone4 doesn’t have FM radio. Also, the customers who have the iphone4 cannot send information to another device using the Bluetooth or USB. The customers cannot exceed the hard drive. Also, when the customers are talking and they use the speaker. Some customers found that the speaker is very bed (Admin, 2010).
 In conclude, when the customers buy the Iphone4, they would have many of advantages like they can have two cameras one on the front and another one in the back of the device. In addition, they can send the pictures by email or post them in the “mobile me.” Furthermore, they can use the “face time” which they can talk with other people live.  Also, they would have ability to try and use the “Retina Display” screen from Apple. Moreover, they can use the App Store which allows them to download thousands of programs and they don’t have to worry about the space for the memory card because App folders from Apple. Also, they keep on track of their emails all the time and wherever their accounts are. Moreover, they would have a chance to download and upload form the internet in the fast way. Besides those thing, the customers who will buy the Iphone4 has some of the disadvantages for it like the glass for the screen is broken easily  when they drop in the ground. Also, the flash is not that good. Furthermore, if the customers want to make “face time”, they should have Wi-Fi. Also, they cannot exceed the space or the memory for the device. Moreover, the Ipone4 just accepts the programs from the App store. Also, the customers can transfer the information through the Bluetooth or USB. I think that everyone on us wants to have cell phone such as Iphone4 in his or her pocket. 

Apple Company Official Site. (2010). App store. Retrieved  from 
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Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Revolution in Middle East

Those days, we have seen a lot of change in Middle East such and what it is called the revolution. we have seen  the revolution in Egypt and Tunisia , Libya, Sariya, Yaman, Bahrain, how is next. If you go deeper in those countries, you see on common thing between them which is  the economy and stander of living. the economy in those countries  are bad and i think this is the reason why the people go to street asking for change. They want to have better life for them and their children.This is the real reason and not because they want freedom of speech in their country. in the next pargrave I try to convince you about my claim.

If you go back in Tunisia, you will see the people protest because Wikileak. The Wikileaks released some information about the wealth for the president and his family. Also, because the man who burn himself. due to  the police came and take his goods. Therefore, he could not have something to eat and his family.The tow reasons above are the only reason that the evolution has been in Tuniiza. In fact that, during the protest I have not heard people asking for freedom of speech, but i heard people angry for the wealth of the president. So, we can conclude that  people go out to street not because they want freedom of speech, but they want better life.

If you go back to Egypt, you see people who have high education and they could not find a job. Also, the income for the people is very low. so the result is people go out to street hoping if the regime is resign, their life is going to be better and they live better life. Also, during the protest, I heard them talking about how wealth the regime have and how they take pilfering of money for the Egypt people. So, I think we can come with the same conclude.

another example, if you go to Libya, you see country has a lot of money, but the regime does not give anything for the people. the people over there is suffering. in fact that, they can not provide good  life for them and their children. So the result is going to street asking to change the regime because the people want to have better life. Libya has the same issue as Egypt and Tunizzia.

another example, to convince you about the economic is the only factor that makes the evolution in the Middle East. In Saudi Arabia, some people has deiced to go out to street to change the royallty system, but the result is they failed, no body goes out and protest.due to the economy is good and the people are live a perfect life why we change. The people in Saudi Arabia did not love the royal system or the regime itself, but it is simple the regime provides good life for their people and when the people feel that they are not satisfied with their income and their life, they will protest asking for change.

another example, in China, the second largest economy in the World, they do not have any kind of freedom in their country and the people over there  do not go to street asking for change because the economy is doing well. So, they do not have to change it.

another thing that when the governments or the regime in the Middle East want to portect themselves for the revolution, what they do is just how we can make the people satisfied. So, they give the people reward as Saudi Arabia which give their citizen tow salary, or  how we can make the economy better. they did not change any thing related to the freedom of speech or the news rule because they know if the people has good income, they will never turn off on them.

The economy is playing a major rule in the revolution of  the Middle East? ( Your thought)

Saturday, April 30, 2011


HI everyone,

I do not know what i am going to write but now i feel like i have to write about something important which is a dream. The dream is like hope and if you have dream, you have hope and future. I want everyone to think and decide about what they want to do in the future because we live in this world to achieve three things. one of them is to do things for you that help you when you face god after death such as do the prayer and everything that make god happy for what you have done. Therefor, you are more likely to be in the heaven not in the hill. another one  is the necessary things to be life in this world such as food and clothe etc. last thing, the dream which is very important in this life. let's go step by step. when child thinks about his dream, he or she thinks to have big toys and loves for their parents. that what the children think about when they were child and i mean the children here the children who do not go to the school yet. after that, when they go to school, they think about when they finish the school and be adult. after that, when they reach the adult age, they start think about which major they want to go and which University they like to go and which hausen or wife they want to share their life with and which job and which company they want to work with. many questions that come in their mind, but the dream is not stop when they stop think about their dream, the life is stop and they are going to be doing the tow things from the three which i present before. in fact that, the dream is not belong to age what i mean by that like when someone can not complete their college for some reason but they have dream to has higher education and when they get older, they think to achieve this dream. in fact, their age is old but they have a dream and they want to accomplish their dream.

dream is very important and it may effect your life for ever. so, if anyone wants to have dream. it must be reasonable, achievable, and you want to do it for yourself not for other people. there are some people their dream is not reality and they feel disappointing and depressing in their life when they can not achieve it, but someone for sure would say let's dream and no money would pay for dreaming. on other world the dream is free , but this would be wish more than dream because wish is impossible to achieve but dream is different.

when you want to do something, you have to  keep trying  to achieve it and do not give because if you do not succeed  in the first time. learn from what you  have done wrong in the first time and try again and gain until you get succeed. Also, they can ask for help for some people that you trust in your life.

dream is very important and it comes after doing some staff that help you after death and the necessary thing that keep you life in this world and it helps you to achieve your dream. your dream must be logical. also dream is for everyone. last thing, do not give up and ask for help and this is something good. dream and dream and dream for better future and healthy life and without dream you would be suffer in your life.



Hi everyone,
Everyone in this world has country, name, family, age, friend, personalty, religion and all of those things are
making the life for the person. So, I am going to talk about myself  depending in those things and for suer I am going to find someone who has the same things like me and i am going to find those who are different. lets' started.

My name is Aziz. I am form Saudi Arabia. I am 24 years old. I live with my family in such a good house. I am a single and I hope i can find the other side for me. I graduated from King Faisal University in Marketing. Moreover, I spent such wonderful time in the Collage. In fact that, I have made some of  personalty in the collage. I can describe myself as person who are quite, shy, forgiven, polite, generous, social, respectful, but  I get angry when someone lie to me. Also, I  like to play and watch soccer. I am not that organize person, but not that messy also I think i am in between. Moreover, I like to eat American, Turkey, Indian, and for sure Arabic food. Also, I like to wear clothe that have a brand and I know it is bad and i have to change this attuied and another thing such as I have to  drive a little slower. I want to be in future a doctor in collage. in fact, I am studying in Kettering University  n USA to get my master degree in operation Management and I hope I graduate in 2012. then, to go back to teach in King Faisal University.Also, I want to find my girl that I hope I can complete  my rest of life with. I want her to beautiful. Also, I want her to have kind of self steam and confident about herself. Moreover, she does not look for what the people have and live for what we have. Also, in the future, I want to have children that I can teach them to be better than me and provide for them what they need to be succeed in their life. I want to have secure life with some money and peremant job. This what I need in my future academic learn, good wife,children, and secure life. This is what I am and I hope you enjoy me.

Next time I am going to talk about My friend .


 Every one of us wants to be successful in his or her life and when someone does something with great result in this moment we can say that she or he successes. When someone successes,she or he will feel confident in herself or himself. This confident impact in our life and also inthe people, who surrounding us positively. Each one has his or her way to make the successfulwhen they do their job. For my opinion ,to be succeed we have to have three things, get support,learn for our mistake, the realistic for the goal.

When we want to be successful, we have to get the support the people who surrounding us. Imean for those people our relative  like our wife ,our mom and dad , our friend …etc.  they cando a lot of thing  for us. They can give us advice when we ask them. They can encourage us to dosomething which we don’t want to do in the first time. When we in the middle in our job and wethink to quit what we are doing , they can force us to complete it.  If we go and see the famouspeople in the world and how they be successes in their job , we can see that they have gottensupport for our families or friend . Those famous people in every speeches for them they alwaystalk with how they get support for their families and without this  support  maybe they didn’tsuccesses in their job. When I was in the university in the first semester, I faced a lot of tribe and my GPA wasn’t that good . I was thinking to drop out for the university, but my family and my father encouraged me to complete my study and he told me, “this is the first semester andyou can do better next semester “. I obeyed my father and I did my best  in the school . In theend, I got excellent in my GPA and I successes in the school. My father was proud for this.  Wecan learn about that how the relatives play big part in our life and without their support maybe itwould be hard to be successful in our jobs 
If we want to  get succeed also , we have to learn for our mistake and other people mistake.We are hummed and the hummed make mistake. I said that for one point because some peoplethey afraid when they do something and   it isn’t  working maybe they will not do not again.Also we have to learn for other people mistake and make our mind open to see and analyze whatthey did wrong in their job. For me, before I do something, I try to know about what other peopledid in it and which they did wrong and learn from it. After that I do what I want to do and if itisn’t working in the first time, I don’t again and learn from my mistake in the first one. If anyonewants to be successful in his or her life, she or he has to learn from other people and forthemselves also because maybe he or she can’t do it in the first time, but she or he can do it inthe second time and get succeed.

Last thing, I think it is the most important thing in what I said before the goal or the job whichit wants to be successful in it should be realistic. On other world, it has possible to achieve it.Therefore , if anyone wants to choose the goal ,he or she has to choose the goal which it fits withtheir ability. For example if one wants to go the moon ,or he or she is poor and wants to be rich,they cannot  achieve this goal and it is defiantly isn’t a goal, but  it is a dream .  

What I want tosee that we have to know the different between the realistic goal and the dream.The successful is important and the parents have to learn their children how they be succeed intheir life. I give the parents some of way or method to learn them for their children like getsupport for the people who around you , learn for other and yourself , the realistic in your goal.The successful makes our life better. 


IQ Test and the intelligent ?

Every one of us has different point of view when we talk about the intelligent. Some of us say that the intelligent is coming naturally when we born. Other people say that it can develop in person using some ways such as the education. Moreover, scientists also argue about how they can measure the intelligent in the person and when we can say that the person is intelligent or not. Some of them say that they can use the IQ test to measure the intelligent in the person. Other says that this method doesn’t give true result about the intelligent in the person and they need to create another test which it gives them true result and I agree with them because the IQ test doesn’t give true result because many factors that may affect the person when he or she takes the test.
The IQ test doesn’t give true result to measure the intelligent in the person. When we go and take look for this test, we find that the test just measures two or three kinds of the person brain. This test has two parts which is mathematical part and verbal part. So, if anyone wants to consider as intelligent, they have to be good in those parts. In fact, they have to answer those questions as fast as they can. So, the person who take long time to answer the question or they do not have that much of knowledge to answer those kind of question. The result is that they are going to be considered as unintelligent people. According to Tippett in her show (2010), Roes says that “Because, again, what I want to know is what they know that's not being reflected in that test”. He means that the people who do not do well in this test because what they know are not providing in the test and in somehow we have the same idea. Also, as I said the IQ test has two parts (math, verbal) and the people who have good education, they are more likely to get high score and this make other people who doesn’t have good education less intelligent and there are some people who argue about that like Tippett. According to Tippett in her show (2010), Roes says that “But think of the folks who might not do so well on those kinds of tests because they didn't have a lot of formal schooling”. Also, he gives some example about those people such as the plumier, waitress, hairstyles who maybe are not educated, but they do something other people cannot do it (Tippett, 2010). So, I think it is not fair to be judgment many people in just two parts. We have to come with more appropriate way to measure the intelligent in the person because it is not my fault to be bad in the math or in the verbal. In fact, the people who take this test and get bad score they may be affected by this test for the rest of their life.
            The IQ test is not good idea to measure the intelligent in the people because it is just test two parts of the human brine. Furthermore, the people who take the test have to answer the question very fast and there are some people who take their time to answer those questions. Also, it depends on who good education do you have. Moreover, there are some examples such as the plumier who define the IQ test. So, I think it is not fair to make this test as method to measure the intelligent in the people.  

After you read the article Do you agree with me or not ?
Tippett, K. (2010, January 7). The meaning of intelligence, a conversation on work, education,
            and civic imagination with Mike Rose. Speaking of Faith. Podcast retrieved from