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Saturday, April 30, 2011


 Every one of us wants to be successful in his or her life and when someone does something with great result in this moment we can say that she or he successes. When someone successes,she or he will feel confident in herself or himself. This confident impact in our life and also inthe people, who surrounding us positively. Each one has his or her way to make the successfulwhen they do their job. For my opinion ,to be succeed we have to have three things, get support,learn for our mistake, the realistic for the goal.

When we want to be successful, we have to get the support the people who surrounding us. Imean for those people our relative  like our wife ,our mom and dad , our friend …etc.  they cando a lot of thing  for us. They can give us advice when we ask them. They can encourage us to dosomething which we don’t want to do in the first time. When we in the middle in our job and wethink to quit what we are doing , they can force us to complete it.  If we go and see the famouspeople in the world and how they be successes in their job , we can see that they have gottensupport for our families or friend . Those famous people in every speeches for them they alwaystalk with how they get support for their families and without this  support  maybe they didn’tsuccesses in their job. When I was in the university in the first semester, I faced a lot of tribe and my GPA wasn’t that good . I was thinking to drop out for the university, but my family and my father encouraged me to complete my study and he told me, “this is the first semester andyou can do better next semester “. I obeyed my father and I did my best  in the school . In theend, I got excellent in my GPA and I successes in the school. My father was proud for this.  Wecan learn about that how the relatives play big part in our life and without their support maybe itwould be hard to be successful in our jobs 
If we want to  get succeed also , we have to learn for our mistake and other people mistake.We are hummed and the hummed make mistake. I said that for one point because some peoplethey afraid when they do something and   it isn’t  working maybe they will not do not again.Also we have to learn for other people mistake and make our mind open to see and analyze whatthey did wrong in their job. For me, before I do something, I try to know about what other peopledid in it and which they did wrong and learn from it. After that I do what I want to do and if itisn’t working in the first time, I don’t again and learn from my mistake in the first one. If anyonewants to be successful in his or her life, she or he has to learn from other people and forthemselves also because maybe he or she can’t do it in the first time, but she or he can do it inthe second time and get succeed.

Last thing, I think it is the most important thing in what I said before the goal or the job whichit wants to be successful in it should be realistic. On other world, it has possible to achieve it.Therefore , if anyone wants to choose the goal ,he or she has to choose the goal which it fits withtheir ability. For example if one wants to go the moon ,or he or she is poor and wants to be rich,they cannot  achieve this goal and it is defiantly isn’t a goal, but  it is a dream .  

What I want tosee that we have to know the different between the realistic goal and the dream.The successful is important and the parents have to learn their children how they be succeed intheir life. I give the parents some of way or method to learn them for their children like getsupport for the people who around you , learn for other and yourself , the realistic in your goal.The successful makes our life better. 


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